It has been a while since I have worked on my system. I did finally add the thermometer to the hot liquor tank and to the mash tun. Here is a photo:
Picture of the bottom rack with the mash tun. You can see some of the supports for the rack. I also hope to figure a way to attach the burners there.
I have been trying to decide how to build a brew sculpture. I don't weld so it does present a bit of a challenge. I came across this commercial rack at Costco for about $160. It comes with 4 shelves and each shelf holds up to 2000 pounds. Best of all the shelves are adjustable. I bought the shelf a month or so ago and put it together this weekend. Only used 3 shelves. Put the extra 2 supports in the back of the rack thinking that maybe I could attach hoses, my pump or whatever to the supports. Here is how it turned out with my finished kegs on it.
Picture of the bottom rack with the mash tun. You can see some of the supports for the rack. I also hope to figure a way to attach the burners there.
What is nice is that I have a top shelf on the rack so that I can store stuff when I am not brewing.
I found some rollers at Home Depot for $8 each. They allow me to roll the rack in and out of the garage as needed. The lever you see next to the wheel allows me to lock the wheels in place so that they won't roll.
The brew system is getting close to be able to use. I need to work on the plumbing, attach the burners, mount the pump and chiller. Maybe it will be ready by the fall season. If I am lucky my Hop crop will produce something usable. First time to try growing hops. We will see if the Texas sun will kill them during July and August.
How many leaks does it have?
Cool set up. I once saw something like it in Jersey, or was it 3-Mile Island...
Show me the beer!
Q. Do you even drink beer?
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